Felos. Never liked the name. Hate the man who claims it. It is quite appropriate though.
Felos De Se
Old Oxford Dictionary Definition:
Suicide; self murderer.
He hated his wife and his life. He wanted to taste death. He murdered himself in his mind on that fateful plane ride, but perverted, twisted, morbid coward that he is, didn't have the guts to finish the job. No. He felt the POWER of god course through his slimey, maggot-filled brain. A madman. But such a coward, he can only murder those who can't fight back and cannot scream their agony.
Marquis de Sade at least carried out his pain is pleasure obscenities in relative shadow, though he surely had a reputation and was sorely feared.
The Felos creature gets in front of a television camera as often as he can to tell us, while most of our stomachs are turning, how beautiful Terri's torture is and how wonderfully peaceful the pain on her face.
Did he look at Estelle Browning and see what he would have liked to have done to his wife?
The same wife who told him she wished he was dead? The same wife that told him she could not even stand to look at him because he was so disgusting to her?
Does he look at Terri and say to himself, "This is what the bitch deserved."?
How many other women will Felos murder now that a stinking corrupt judge has given him a free pass? And whose face will he see each time? How many times will he murder his wife the way he always dreamed of before his delusion of grandeur obliterates his brain so that even Evil Conservative duct tape won't hold it in?
Sooner rather than later one can only hope. And if there is an eternal punishment worse than anything I can imagine, Sun Coast and everyone who stands with them, the politicians like Everett Rice who sits on the Sun Coast Board, the same Everett Rice who was Sheriff of Pinellas County, the same Everett Rice who hired Michael Schiavo as a nurse for the county, the same Everett Rice R, Florida State Legislature, who voted against the bill to save Terri's life, may you ALL receive that punishment ten times ten. You deserve no less.
And all you *law-abiding* godless freaks who call yourselves policemen in Clearwater and Pinellas County who carry weapons and arrest children while protecting wanton murderers for pay, who JOKED about a shoot-out with the National Guard if they came for Terri, you will look at your own wives and children and you will fear where you live and work because this will not end with Terri Schindler.
Do any of YOU have children who might have MS? Parkinson's Disease? A crippled arm or leg? Will any of YOU receive an injury that causes you to be unable to work for this corrupt filth making YOUR quality of life not worth living when your beloved court says no? Will your wife or husband have a stroke that slurs their speech or paralyzes part of a face, an arm, maybe even a leg? Diabetes?
Greer is legally blind. What will be HIS quality of life when he is no longer useful to the slugs he takes his pay from?
Instead of vacation brochures for anywhere in Florida, someone should hit a printing press and send out warnings.
Florida, the Ultimate, (and last,) vacation you might ever have.
I am NOT going to Disneyland...especially if my kid is in a wheelchair.
Florida, the Keys of Death.
Beware! Felos de se lives here.
Florida. Spend your retirement,,
Like the Eagles said, "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."