( Title from a book by Harlan Ellison, 1967.)
"It is a case against Humanity's dependence on (and ultimate victimization by) our own technology. It neatly and subversively blurs the distinction between creator and creation, pointing up our helplessness in the face of God/Life/Universe. It terrorizes us with an end-game look at what we might expect, should we continue to choose to hand over our choices, our say-so, our rights, responsibilities, privileges and individuality, our control, to the enormous, pitiless, semi-sentient machine of government."
First of all, there should be enough circumstantial evidence in Terri's Case that the Justice Department should seize her as EVIDENCE in an attempted murder and a RICO investigation of these murder mills should take some priority in the Justice System, if indeed, there is still such a thing.
Having said that,never in my life have I ever felt the need to write what you are about to read, but someone must speak the truth, and if it makes enemies, so be it.
I have watched the entire battle for Terri Schiavo's life since we first knew her husband was intent on murdering her. (Note the word *think* is purposefully absent, because whoever does not believe this is murder is soulless and therefore not worthy of second thought.)
In the past, the Orthodox Jewish Community remained fairly silent because Christian groups had claimed Terri and MUCH has been made of the devoutness of her *faith.* Several days ago, I sent screams into the Chabad Community begging for help. I sent the OFFER of help to people *leading* the fight for Terri's life.
Yes, there have been some in the jewish organizations that stayed off in the background and proclaimed their sympathy and solidarity with those representing Terri, but words are words, and words without deeds have very little worth unless you get paid for words.
In this case, there is no pay-off for doing the right thing. There is only the knowledge that no matter how some might judge you, your soul is worthy of redemption. Silence is not worthy of anything but retribution and be sure it will come.
There needs to be something made very clear here. ANY so-called jew who has even given lip service in defense of the state's right to commit murder, one of the most foul and heinous of those being Barney Frank, who is a double whammy unto him/itself, is NOT a representative of those of us who profoundly and deeply revere the Commandments and Laws AS THEY WERE FIRST HANDED DOWN, and they are cut off from any redemption whatsoever. They are the desolation of abomination, an embarrassment to G-d, and I, for one, would be eternally grateful if each and every one of them would have to suffer the fate they have conferred on helpless children.
Under these horrifying circumstances, EVERYONE needs to take a deep breath and ask themselves a question that is the most important question of this age we are living through. It is the lesson of my life and the truth of who I am.
All of my life the question has been asked of me, "DO YOU TRUST ME?"
Each and every time, I answered yes. But when the time came to choose who or what to trust, I made wrong decisions because I WANTED to believe in humanity. Each time, the lesson would be repeated until I knew with absolute certainty exactly what the true lesson was.
The lesson is this, people. Do not say G-d if you do not know G-d. I desperately wanted to help Terri Schiavo the same way I have always been allowed to help others, some worse than this. I have been told that I MUST not because it is a test. It is not for me. It is for humanity itself. You either understand or you don't. You either choose G-d, or G-d will abandon you.
Be aware of the world and worlds beyond here. Creation continues and room is being made for this place to be gone and another to take its place in the balance.
Remember the sacrifice of Isaac, and why it was not completed.
Time is no longer our friend and we are the modern Sodom. For the lack of 10 righteous men, Sodom is no more to be found on the face of the earth.
It has been for me to record and archive. I have seen so much and watched all these things I have seen actually happen. Some took years, some days, some minutes. Some are still being proven as I write this.
There are private journals from when I was a child written in different handwritings and ancient languages I *should not have known* in notebooks when I thought I was asleep that are prophecies so descriptive and detailed that nothing which has happened since has not been borne out. It did/does not stop there because it only detailed until the time when the balance tipped and regression began. For the last 6 years, I have only communicated my immediate knowledge to one person who has become for me a witness that what I see and what I say is true.
He can corroborate, but it is up to him. I am not asking. This is MY personal journey.
I can give you examples of the more recent:
I knew what Ilan Ramon saw from space when he saw it. I spoke it then. It took two years for scientists to say out loud what he saw. The difference is, I understood it THEN. They still do not.
I knew then what upheaval would take place in that specific area. It has happened and continues to happen and as I watch, I see and feel other such upheavals most people would regard as impossible.
But I have my witness.
I saw the Columbia explode a full 12 hours before it actually did, and I spoke it. My witness kept trying to assure me that everything would be fine and stayed on the telephone with me throughout the evening and night until it happened. Then there was no more doubt but he continued and continues to challenge me.
He has been witness to my walks with hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, each description so precise and so detailed that when predictions from *experts* became so utterly ridiculous, even he was startled. He never let me get by with simply saying something, and there were times, and still are, when I had to prove to him beyond the shadow of any doubt that what I had said was the absolute truth, including the Florida hurricane that everyone said would move out into the ocean. I said it would not and that it would bounce and bounce and bounce until it struck exactly where it did. I actually found a picture of the exact track afterwards and again, he was stunned. The same timeframe, another hurricane followed the exact path I spoke, struck with precision where I said it would and that Baton Rouge would not flood. The same with all three hurricanes.
Then there was the frantic excitement over the impending eruption of Mt. St. Helens Volcano. Not only did I say it would not erupt explosively, but spoke exactly the way it would act before it acted, and WHY it was acting the way it did. Again, I was right, experts were wrong, and that is by no means the great volume of what I have seen and known. It is just simple proof to present for this now.
I also saw the Challenger explode the full night before it did. That was the end of my journals. That is when everything that had been taken for granted changed. My brother, then my best friend, saw it too. We called back and forth on the telephone and he kept telling me to stop it from happening. I had to tell him I could not. It was supposed to turn our attention from looking for the knowledge we sought outside to seeking the truth where we are. It IS all here.
He could not handle the truth. He could not understand why he could see things and do nothing about them. He destroyed his gift by destroying his mind. He never saw it as a gift. He saw it as a nightmare. So he created his own nightmare and disappeared somewhere I can not go.
So it is with great intensity that I speak now, a truth that is so clear, that only fools would mistake it and only the desperately deluded would not see what they have done to Terri Schiavo.
All these things, and many more, force me to scream now because Terri has no voice and SOMEONE MUST LISTEN!
This latest court challenge was represented to a federal judge as a violation of her religious rights. In truth, it is NOT. These *rights* which they have called the sanctity of life were destroyed for them by the church's own doctrine. What follows is a quote that ought scare the hell out of every Christian who dares try to use this argument in any court in the United States.
Unlike many of the steps taken in the perilous journey called life, the step into marriage is one that cannot be retraced. Marriage endures "until death". It is a relationship which can and should propel each partner toward heaven. Too often, however, married persons fail to cooperate with the special graces given them. Instead of marriage helping one attain salvation, denial of its sanctity and indissolubility leads many to eternal damnation.
Instituted By God
Marriage was instituted by God. We read in Genesis that God created them male and female, and blessed them, saying "Increase and multiply, and fill the earth." Gen.1;27-28.
Later, we read:
But for Adam there was not found a helper like himself. Then the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon Adam: and when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and filled up flesh for it. And the Lord God built the rib which He took from Adam into a woman and brought her to Adam. And Adam said: This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Wherefore a man shall leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife: and they shall be two in one flesh. Gen.II;20-24
Christ Himself referred to these very passages when the Pharisees asked Him if it were lawful for a man to put away his wife. The Savior reminded them that marriage had been instituted by God. Then He emphatically confirmed the indissolubility of the bond: What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.(Mt. XIX;6)
Marriage A Sacrament
Sacramental dignity, with all the special graces that adhere to any sacrament, was conferred on marriage by Christ. Indeed, St. Paul calls marriage "a great sacrament" placing it above others. When Christ wished to give a sign of the union that exists between Him and His Church, he chose the sacred union of a married couple. No higher dignity could be attached to any relationship.
Through the sacrament of matrimony, husband and wife receive graces which join them in the bonds of mutual love, aid them to share affection for one another, strengthen them to avoid illicit attachments and passions, fortify them to become worthy parents, and help them to keep their marriage honorable in all things. A marriage entered into with such proper dispositions will be blessed in many ways.
Ends of Marriage
It is important to realize that marriage is not obligatory. Those who enter the state do so voluntarily. Anyone who chooses not to marry, but instead selects a life of holy virginity, has chosen an exalted state which is strongly recommended in Holy Scripture, and which earns its own eternal rewards.
5. Is the woman willing to accept her duty in marriage as described by St. Paul? He counseled: "Let wives be subject to their husband...; as the church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things." Eph.V:22-24. There is no room for modern woman’s liberation in a God-centered marriage.
People, this ONE passage in the Catholic Doctrine precludes any judge from declaring that Terri's religious rights were violated, and yet, they continue, time after time, in court after court to try and proclaim a right that does not exist in Catholicism and is a gross misinterpretation of all the sanctification of marriage laws that have existed throughout the Old Testament.
OUR Law has provisions for those who are seen to be trapped in an unequal marriage wherein the autonomy of women has always been respected, and those who have dissolved their marriages also must abide by certain laws, but by no means have the husbands been *owners* of their wives until death do them part. Our Law will stand because there is no ambiguity and it has not changed over thousands of years.
Adultery has never been accepted in The Law, and would be absolute grounds for the dissolution of a marriage. THESE Laws cannot withstand a court's scrutininy because it has been ever thus and there have never been contradictions added to, or taken away from these original laws.
If the *faith* that these people espouse could have ever had an effect, Catholic Priests, Bishops. Archbishops, nuns, and the Pope himself would have sent an army of the *faithful* long ago into the place where Terri is being held prisoner and taken her out of there, but there are priests on the board of this death mill, and Terri has been used atrociously by so-called Christian Conservatives to further their own agendas or careers as activists, the Death Culture is using her as a sacrifice to the State, and Terri has become a pawn of all sides to the point where she is all but forgotten and the agenda has become the entire picture.
Watching the machinations of the activists involved here, I have witnessed them calling down the blood of Jesus, who, even if this entity ever existed, was NOT G-d incarnate, and yet G-d has been very specific. Those who call MY NAME shall know that I am the Lord, but those who falsify My Laws and say it is from Me when it is NOT from Me, their voices I will not hear.
Ther is NO SUCH THING as a RIGHT to die. It is pure Nazi propaganda. Should this follow the course of evil and no VOICE raised to ONE G-d, and not a surrogate which man, or man's church, has set in place to gather power unto themselves, will recognize that there is only one G-d which is only reachable by those who understand that placing faith in a false god can only bring disaster to us all.
Do NOT say G-d if you do not KNOW G-d. That includes educated Rabbis, the Strict Orthodoxy. There was panic in my soul at being informed by Chabad that her *faith* believed in the same sanctity of life as outlined in ancient law.
They absolutely do not or they would never issue edicts that a husband, no matter how evil, has the power over his wife's life and ultimate death, even if it is clearly murder.
The devaluation of the lives of women within the Catholic Doctrine is anathema to every living being who knows the Law and fights every day to keep outside doctrines from reaching into our very core. Unfortunately, even the most knowlegeable in those I believed were more dedicated to the truth than most have become wimps, afraid to offend the sensibilities of Christians, even if it means this woman's life.
This is not the Chabad I once knew. Political correctness and the desire for all those who hate us to love us, though they never will, has overcome even the most deeply held beliefs. It leaves me with a bitter taste and was the final straw that has made it necessarily to withdraw from them when I have been a part of them throughout my entire life.
Times have changed. I have changed. There is nothing to gain but a human life and ultimately, many more Terri's will emerge to be legally murdered by a state, by tyrannical judges, felonious husbands, and death worshipping cultists.
What is next?
Indescribable retribution.
Who is next?
You may well ask.
Barney Frank, you are homosexual. There will be nothing in place to stop these people from delving into the *quality* of your life and deciding you have no right to live.
(Paraphased) When they came for strangers, I remained silent because it was not me. When they came for my neighbor, I remained silent because it was not me. When they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me.
Call me crazy. Call out the tinfoil squad. It does not matter anymore. The truth is the truth.
And I ask. I plead for understanding from those who would save Terri. Save her first. And then set about learning how you have complicated this beyond recognition, possibly trapping her unto death.
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