Once again I am screaming at the television to "SHUT UP. FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!!! SHUT UP ALREADY!!!"
But alas, the spokespeople for Israel and Israel's "leaders" continue to babble about how this is not an invasion, but an "incursion." About how all we want is to stop Hamas from firing rockets into our cities and at our civilians.
In the meantime, we attend their wounded in our hospitals and send them food their own cowardly leaders have never provided while the rest of the world calls us inhumane and cruel. Is there any sanity left in all the damned world?
How??? Please someone tell me HOW the world cannot see the lack of human qualities in these Islamic terrorists. These creatures of the night instill malevolence and hatred into every newborn and I question anymore if it is not simply genetic since this behavior has gone on for thousands of years without end.
Formerly called Amalek, since time began, these creatures of darkness have behaved in exactly the same way. They reek of the stench of cowardice and evil, the likes of which can never be washed away. That Amalek morphed into Islam can hardly be disputed when you see what they do and how their culture oozes abomination and ruin into every place on earth they exist. Surely this is the abomination of desolation carried to its final definition.
I am furious that Israel thinks it needs to explain why it cannot tolerate this continuing outrage and why our "leaders" find it somehow ennobling to grovel before the world as if to apologize for existing. We sprang from the greatest warriors ever known to man and they did not grovel.
It is embarrassing to Hebrews around the world to see this self-degradation play itself out year after year and moment by moment.
Muhammad's Islam was FOUNDED to commit genocide throughout the world.
Watching an old movie yesterday, "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum, something struck me in the dialogue. Not only did it remind me of my comparison of the Islamic swarm to those cannibalistic wingless crickets that devour everything in their paths including themselves, but it stated that the politics of insects is not to be found.
As the hapless mutant turned slowly, slowly into a fly, he asked the heroine if she had ever heard of insect politics. He stated that he had hoped to become the first insect poitician, but was finding it impossible because the insect was taking HIM over. Insects do not do politics because they are just brutal.
If any of this sounds racist,let me ask you what race do conscienceless, homicidal, genocidal, brutal, torturing, raping, sadistic, thieving, cowardly attackers of the tired, elderly and weak from behind, hiders behind their own women and children, allowing their children to die while they snivel under rocks, do creatures like this belong to? Do they love? If they did, could they do these things?
Human? Humans surely would not follow such a path. And if they did, do they still have the right to be called human? Did they ever?
How can you dehumanize what was inhuman in the first place?
There is no apology in me for believing what I believe is true.
The mad "prophet," Muhammad was not the first genocidal pedophilic lunatic of his kind. He just happened in a time when "religious" surges and brutality were already were taking place and it was an opportunity for him to use his mutant insanity to recruit other mutants, establish HIS religion, and use Amalekite terrorism to force it on others.
They are NOT entitled to live anymore than any other ravenous insect that devours everything it touches unto death.
I say to the world awaken from your stupor or you will find that your world (as you think it is,) is gone. You don't just ignore a culture of death and destruction. You are its food and sustainence. So how do you sleep when it is eating you alive?
Am Yisrael
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