by Daniel Eisenberg, M.D
Let us take the example of Terri Schiavo. She is not brain dead nor is she terminally ill. She is brain damaged and remains in what appears to be a persistent vegetative state. All of her bodily functions are essentially normal, but she lacks the ability to "meaningfully" interact with the outside world (although her parents claim that she does minimally respond to their presence and to outside stimuli.)

NEVER forget this face.
It is Terri, but it is the face of the world and she is ONE in a sea whose lives are being snuffed out like candlewicks.
Her impairment is cognitive and Judaism does not recognize any less of a right to treatment for one cognitively impaired than one mentally astute.
It is a denial of the Jewish ideal of the fundamental value of life that drives the forces that wish to remove Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. While Judaism does recognize quality of life in certain circumstances (such as the incurable terminally ill patient in intractable pain), the Torah does not sanction euthanasia in any situation. To remove the feeding tube from a patient whose only impairment is cognitive is simply murder.

The Torah teaches us that every moment of life is intrinsically valuable; life itself is never futile.
In secular ethics discussions, medical futility encompasses several issues only loosely related to one another. Futility of treatment is often confused with "futility" of life. The Torah teaches us that every moment of life is intrinsically valuable; life itself is never futile. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, a leading halachic authority of the past generation, points out that we have no "yardstick" by which to measure value of life. Even for a deaf, demented elderly man, incapable of doing any mitzvot, we must violate the Shabbat to save his life. It is not within our moral jurisdiction to decide what quality of life is "not worth living" and therefore unworthy of treatment.

She is OUR children, our sisters, our mothers, fathers, brothers, grandchildren. Terri is every child of G-d.
She is everybody's child. She is innocent and vulnerable to the predators who seem to actually want to torture her to death. Having read some of Michael Schiavo's attorney's remarks, I believe he is certifiably insane and a complete and utter sadist. This entire thing has seemed to bring him great pleasure. He believes he is greater than G-d and has power over life and death. He needs far more than a strait jacket. He needs hung. I will not post a picture of the beast Terri chose to marry, but on her wedding day, her entire life was filled with promise. Her happy dreams were all of our dreams.

On this day, her life was joyful and so full of promise.
Weep for her sorrow. Pray for her future that she will again know joy.
She did not know her love was not returned. Sociopaths are cruel, calculating, and concienceless. Recall the Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald case. If you don't know it, look it up.
This is Michael Schiavo exactly, and he has found himself allies as crazy and as greedy as he is.
For quite some time, there was hope in my heart that humanity would somehow creep into one of these evil creatures, but it has not happened. No MAN has the right to order the torturous death of another human being who has committed no crime, but who might hold secrets her husband does not want told. IT IS MURDER and there is no legal nicety that can change that.
The Commandments say Thou Shalt NOT MURDER. Because I believe so strongly in the teachings that I have learned in my life, I have proposed a solution that has every possibility of working for Terri because I have witnessed miracles and known them for what they were.
I learned Hebrew Law as well, or better, than most people I know, including secularist so-called Rabbis, so I have sent a communication to members of my own faith because I have seen them in action when matters of such great importance are concerned. They will go where angels fear to tread to save a soul like Terri and I trust G-d so much that I just know the power to save Terri is not impossible if all the parties agree.
I know that Terri's mom is Catholic and might truly believe that her own soul would be in jeopardy if she was to take my advice, but I had a son who died at the age of six years. Had the opportunity ever been offered to me to give my self for him, nothing could have stopped me even if I truly believed that hellfire and brimstone would be my eternal punishment. It isn't, of course. G-d is quite clear that you MUST take whatever steps are necessary to protect the innocent, especially when it is your own flesh and there is nothing to preclude her faith in the Lord.
With that in mind, I have sent the following, both to Chabad and to Glenn Beck, who has been riding this hard wave with the Schindler family to his own wit's end. I have held out an offer of hope I don't think anyone else has thought of. My most fervent prayer is that SOMEONE will pay attention and do this thing because it is the only hope I now see.

If you are not familiar with Glenn, you should be. He is one of the best.
Communication is as follows:
To Glenn Beck, (parapharased.)
I have sent the following letter to Chabad and if I am correct in my belief, this might be a possible solution for Terri Schiavo. PLEASE speak with her family members about this since you know them.
To Chabad Lubavitch:
Please help me understand if my thinking regarding the following subject is correct...or why it would not be.
I have always believed that where the sanctity of human life is involved, and we know a probable murder is soon to occur, it is not simply something we can ignore. Rather, HaShem has ordered that it is a duty to ptotect that life, even at your own risk.
It is with this in mind that I ask this question. There is a young lady in St. Petersburg, Florida whose husband has gotten a court order to execute his brain damaged wife by having her feeding tube removed. Some of you might be very aware of the Terri Schiavo case (FLA,) wherein her husband has refused her therapy for many years, and now refuses to allow her family to take her from the hospice where she has been virtually held prisoner. He has committed adultry and has children by another woman to whom he is not married. Even the governor of the state cannot stop the execution of this poor woman though the method, (starvation, dehydration,) is the most painful, cruel, and inhumane thing I have ever heard of. Death Row inmates are treated more humanely. Even beheading, painful as it might be, is at least quick. This is a slow process and excruciatingly painful and she will feel very second of it.
So my question is really more than one question, but I feel this is so important and so urgent that I beg you to bear with me.
1. Terri Schiavo's mother is right now a Catholic. Can there be, to save the life of this woman, an *emergency* coversion to Orthodox Jewish be done for this woman's mother to make her Jewish?
2. If the mother converts, would the daughter then ALSO be recognized as an Orthodox Jew?
3. The judge in this case has ordered that Terri's feeding tube be removed on March 18, so there is no time for her mother to study to become Jewish. Would it not be to HaShem a Mitzvah received with joy if this woman's life rests with you and you help these people?
I have been with Chabad all of my life and seen the Rabbis do the most astounding things. When my son died many years ago, Rabbi Ben Eliezri came to the hospital and commanded doctors and nurses alike to keep my son exactly as The Law commands until the Shivra Kaddisha came for him.
He then commanded and received all the proper documents from the state of California, arranged the funeral in Pennsylvania, got plane tickets, and my son was buried with my father in the same grave at the Orthodox Cemetary in PA. All of this so my son could be buried within 24 hours.
I believe with all of my soul that Chabad can, and should, do this wondrous Mitzvah for these people and for HaShem. Bestowe HaShem's Blessing on this girl and get her out of the place where they have been holding her captive, because if you don't, they will surely murder her.
If THIS CAN BE DONE, and you do not do it, then you will have her blood on your hands as well. It is the RIGHT thing to do unless her mother refuses, in which case Terri's blood will be on her hands for not doing everything in her power but renounce The Lord to save the flesh of her flesh.
As a woman, a mother, and a very proud Child of Israel, I beg you for your help in this. I believe the Lord has decided this can be the only way open to her that she might live. Everything else has failed because of the abominably corrupt husband, attorney, and judge in this case.
You can read about Terri more at:
Contact information to Terri's family is there as well. I am going to send this to a friend of their family so the question can be asked of the mother. I am also going to post this to my BlogSite:
HaShem will not forgive anyone who could have stopped this and did NOT. I believe G-d is with her and you will not let either G-d nor Terri down.
The Rabbi at The St. Petersburg Center is:
Rabbi Alter Korf
Address: 6151 Central Ave
S. Petersburg, FL 33710 USA
PLEASE, for all the betrayed souls those who have been murdered and no justice follow, PLEASE HELP. Even as we call to HaShem every morning and every evening to give us Peace, life, love, and joy, and even as we grieve for those whom the Lord has taken away and pray for THEIR peace, here is one soul that is as innocent as any I have seen. I don't know what else can be done.
We believe strongly that her husband has put her in this condition and is afraid that if she lives and has treatment, it will become known, so he will not take money, though it has been offered, just to allow her to be set free to her parents.
Chabad Lubavitch has mastered the impossible because we know in Whose hands our souls rest. As that power is given, we MUST use it with a will that cannot be broken by a judge or a state. We live by G-d's Law. Obey THAT Law.
My prayers are heard. You are the answer sent to me for this. Rabbis, I have asked G-d how to stop this murder from happening with all the trappings of legality when it is morally and unjustifiably so abhorent. Two nights ago, this answer came to me while I was near sleep. On March 17, I will raise my prayers for Israel on the anniversary of Moses' death. On March 18, I will prepare for Shabbot.
This is a Holy time. Be Thou Holy.
Todah rabbah,
The first article on this page has upheld that exact belief, even if it be on the Sabbath Day. Chabad Rabbis are a real force to be reckoned with. The only thing I don't know for sure, is if a full coversion would bring Terri under the auspices of the Rabbis as well. But if it does, they are overwhelmingly and unexpectedly commanding. I have stood in awe fo them on many different occasions.
In this meantime, pray for justice, pray for Terri, for the innocent, for the children, and for yourselves, that humanity finds its conscience so that these things can never happen again on a world that has been so blessed as this.

This is the Hebrew symbol for LIFE.
To Life

MARCH 11, 2005:
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A man fighting to have a feeding tube removed from his brain-damaged wife on Friday rejected a California businessman's offer to pay him $1 million to give up his right to decide her medical treatment.
Thursday's offer, which the husband's attorney labeled ``offensive,'' came hours after a judge refused to let the state's social services agency intervene - a move that would have delayed next week's scheduled removal of the tube.
Other such offers, including one for $10 million, had already been made and rejected by Michael Schiavo, said his attorney, George Felos.
Nitzana, you are doing a fine service for Terri. May Hashem bless you. They are railroading this girl, very sad.
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