I AM AN AMERICAN Hebrew. That is the beginning and the end of it. Not a hyphenated American. Born here. Reared here. And I do love my country so very much that nothing, and I MEAN NOTHING, rises above it except for G-d Almighty, and an unwavering belief that this same G-d has given us all the weapons we need to stop this abomination. We have the brains. What has happened to our guts?
This isn't about some damn government. Government, by its very nature, exists for its own perpetuity and becomes, to a man and woman, mad. One need only glance over what Great Britain's historical plunge into this insanity has wrought.
Doesn't anyone see the poison in their latest attempt to charge Brits with a felony for showing the soles of their shoes in public? Doesn't ANYONE realize that the whole thing is Sharia by any other name? It is a terrible insult to islam to show them the soles of your shoes, you stupid brits. Without Sharia as the impetus, it makes no sense whatever to legislate against it.
You cannot seek sanity from the insane. There is no safety in our having elected "officials" because we had little, if any, choice of who was in the running. Little by little, they made sure we had no voice, and the few faint voices left were silenced by nefarious means. Those elected APPOINTED thereby eradicating the need for further elections.
The young generation of true American Patriots has been sent out away from us to fight a proxy war for the Saudis in our name. They have been told, and they believe, that they are defenders of OUR freedom. In reality, while they are cannon fodder for rival anti-life freaks of nature, their country, which they love so much, and all that it stands for, is being sold right out from under them to the highest bidder and Sharia states within states have already been built in our midst.
The price they, we, and the rest of the world, pay is far too high and we want them HOME to take up OUR arms and defend THIS country from the elitest monied, appointed, and "official" tyranny which has infested us with the plague of globalism from the innermost chambers of a lunatic political class to paid propagandists hiding behind storefronts in our neighborhoods, schools, and communities.
Make no mistake. We see one face and call it Communism. We see the other and we call it Capitalism. We see another and call it Wahabism. Yet another, and we call it Socialism. Still others, and we call them Environmentalism, Extremism, Fascism, Racism. In reality, all of these faces have one real face and it is ONE effort by the world's most powermad and evil plunderers to steal not just what WE have built, but everything else that exists in the world built by others, to serve their own purpose which they do not know, except they BELIEVE it will be theirs. The overseers of this empire will be those who have the most experience at slavery and brutality. They BELIEVE they will control our genius though they did not, and could not ever begin, to create it again. It is nothing but an entry in the runoff competition because they will forever war amongst themselves for final control.
As I stated earlier. Do not expect sanity from this kind of madness. What they most desire is a world without freedom. Period. And they are well on their way, at long last, to achieving it.
It was this very fact that our Biblical Forefathers understood. IF there MUST be one world power, it MUST be ONE G-d Itself. No man, or group of men should ever, EVER be granted such power. So we went into freedom AWAY from government claiming to be god. Our Founding Fathers fully grasped this concept long and far after the Christian world split G-d in two, and far and long after Islam split G-d into three.
No church gives man his power, but they do aim to control the men whose power they wrongfully claim for themselves.
If being a Hebrew has taught me nothing else, it has taught me that when we allow others to decide our ultimate fate without conscience or wisdom, it will always be what they decide and NONE of them care about ME. I care. Me only. I will fight the entire world for it. ONE G-d IS freedom from the tyranny of men.
We Hebrews are the ultimate lesson to all of mankind that even though OUR ancestors KNEW how irrevokably foolish it was to follow even the most wrongheaded and illogical paths of those they chose, follow they did. By these mistakes we are known. WE ARE THE TEACHERS OF THE LESSON CARRIED FORWARD THROUGHOUT GENERATIONS. We did not play by the wisdom of our own rules. We did NOT choose freedom when it was there within our grasp. We had so little faith or trust in our own independent intelligence and decency, that we allowed others to measure it for us and were found wanting. We became the measurement by which all of humanity judges its own self.
Even then, KNOWING the truth, we allowed those with NO understanding to walk among us and we empowered them in the mistaken belief that if only we waited for those without understanding to learn, everyone would be risen up in time. We divided amongst ourselves against ourselves and what should have been the ultimate uplifting of humanity was diluted by what we accepted from without. Instead, OUR numbers dwindled away. OUR original understanding was lost. Those without understanding hated the few who held on to it. It did not have the strength to stand and was dashed into what we are seeing now...the exponential expansion of insanity into every fabric of every culture known to man.
Children of Israel! Beware what you have become and return to who you are. You are not some captive little population carved out of a raw desert because some bunch of detestable bureaucrats wanted you out of their hair and wished you would just disappear. Are you FREE???
You are still captives chained to a piece of sand arguing over a floppy-eared criminal who claims to be your "leader" waiting in line to sell out your soul to a rich man claiming to be your saviour. Will you wait another 6000 years to fulfill your destiny? To keep your promise to your generations? G-d said not to murder, NEVER said not to kill. To every season....
The enemy of my enemy is never my friend. It is my enemy's enemy, and once my enemy is gone, my enemy's enemy will turn on me.
America! Beware what YOU have become. The founders of this country wrote with great eloquence and vast wisdom. I marvel that such a handful of truly wise men would appear on earth at the same time and in the same place to bring forth the full G-d Doctrine to you. YOU became the Chosen People because key in ALL of FREEDOM. And they warned you, even as our ancient Commandments warned us, that freedom is indeed HOLY and must REMAIN holy against any and all odds. These men had no desire to rule over you. Just as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew, Moses also knew that he was not supposed to RULE over the Hebrews. Mind, knowledge, respect, honor, and wisdom was to be the way forward without fear of theft or deception by other men. Freedom is not to be bartered, bargained with, sold, or given away, and most assuredly, it is not to be stolen without a vigorous defense because once lost, who is left to know what was lost?
Will YOU end up a postage stamp on some barren wilderness flying a flag, saluting a symbol, your fathers died for without understanding it? Do you not yet understand that The Old Testament is just as much your history and just as much your prophecy as ever it was ours?
Isn't the downfall of Solomen and the saga of liasons between questionable allies close enough in proximity for you to see that ignoring the most basic moral and ethical tenets of your land in the quest for political expediency, though enriching you in the short term, brings the darkness, hastens your demise, and ends the age?
And isn't the true lesson here that no matter how long you survive, no matter how smart you think you are, acceptance of small evils, small losses of freedom "for the greater good," does no body no good not ever?
America is as unique among nations as Hebrews were unique among peoples. Can't you see the irony? Don't you understand the hatred from the world that wants to BE you, but can't? Don't you understand the jealousy that disquiets the mob so that if it can't BE you, it will mindlessly destroy all that you have ever built and believed in? It will attempt to smash you into scattered fragments of history so that if you are remembered at all, all the nations arising after you will wonder who you really were and it will never be right. There will be lies about your origins. There will be monuments to your downfall if you allow your age to fall to predatory conquerors unless you use every weapon at your disposal to eradicate this pandemic of insanity.
Sound familiar, O Israel???
If ever there was a time to rise up, it is now. If ever freedom was important enough to fight FOR, it is now. Do not follow corrupt "leaders." They have betrayed us all. The entire world is at risk. It is not simply one group of people, but look around you. America is truly the full blown sculpture of Noah's Ark come to life. On this ark are some of every living thing. Peoples, plants, animals, topography, and knowledge from, or similar to, every country and island nation on earth. America has the very shape of an ark with deck, stem, and stern.
It is ours to lose, and we are losing it. Just as Israel was lost and Hebrews have been hunted and hated ever since anywhere they have ever been, so AMERICANS have been singled out for the same fate...and by the VERY SAME people who came for us Hebrews millenia ago. Same play, much bigger stage. If you do not act now, how many millenia will pass before SOMEBODY is screaming to their people with all the strength they possess NOT to let this happen again? Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it...perhaps on yet a bigger stage with ever so much more to lose.
Am Yisrael
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Hi Nitzana. Very inspirational this posting of yours. You happen to be 100% about government, and the clear-cut distinction between government and country. Also about not falling for that hyphenation hysteria. I, for instance, like to define myself without having to double or triple hyphenate my identity. I am simply a Jew. :)
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