I keep seeing, (and hearing,) news about Israel's "new" PR blitz over the attacks on Gaza.
To my mind, it is utterly ridiculous for Israel to spend even one nanosecond on PR.
Anyone on the entire planet who does not know that Hamas, like Hezbullah, Al Qaeda, and every other swarm of soulless, anti-human deviants, is a vicious organization of cold-blooded murderers does not want to know, or does not care.
Hatred of israel runs deep in the world fabric and it will not stop today. But there was a time, not so very long ago, when Israel commanded the respect of nations and even the reluctant admiration of its enemies.
The wars Israel has fought throughout her short life were won with little or no PR. What PR could possibly have taken the place of the David and Goliath proportions of the attacks against her by those now "moderate," filthy rich, inhumanly backward, murderous, Islamic countries which routinely carry out the most gruesome restrictions and punishments on their own citizens?
These are the same countries who support and defend, arm and equip, recruit and train the dogs of neverending war against Israel, (and anyone else around the world,) who disagrees with their deranged lunacy of a "religion."
Their "religion" uses, abuses, and exploits PR to a point of insanity.
A Palestinian demonstrator dressed as Santa Claus uses a sling-shot to hurl stones at Israeli border police during a demonstration in the West Bank village of Bilin near Ramallah, Dec. 26, 2008.
When Israel conducted the raid on Entebbe, did it need "PR" to tell the world it was right to do what it did against all odds?
Israel did what needed doing, did not ask the world's approval, and stood on the moral highground that no one could dispute.
Not until the far left leaning world, the Jew hating world, which should not matter to us for an instant, began issuing impossible demands to a selfish, immoral, and chaotic Israeli government, did "PR" become a part of Israel's society. These increasingly mad demands, to which Israel's leftist government, in a stupid attempt to make the world "like us," responded by enacting, gave the haters power over Jewish life they never deserved. Inches turned into miles. Secure borders became turnstiles for homicidal maniacs and suicidal psychopaths.
What PR has stopped these outrageous demands?
What kind of PR is it that turns Jewish Settlers into enemies of the State they have so loved?
What PR message does it send to the world when Jewish Citizens are forced by a despicable and corrupt government from their homes and farms; then sees the fruits of their labor, counted in years, blood, sweat, and tears, handed over to the worst miscreants on the planet earth?
What PR, in the purest form of truth, did any good whatsoever when these same recipients of Israel's good will, took every beautiful thing they had been gifted with and destroyed it for the sake of destruction, making no effort whatsoever to work the land to feed their "starving" people?
What PR can convince the world that SEES the forces of destruction and desolation that abide anywhere Islam steps foot but refuses to acknowledge it, that this evil exists in their midst?
How is it up to us to explain to a world, whose reality is so skewed, the difference between murder and justice?
Who, in any logical manner, could make the argument that Islamic terrorists and their cleric slavemasters have the right to indiscriminately and gleefully murder, maim, terrorize, and destroy with utter abandon, anyone or thing they perceive as "anti-Islamic? Including their own children?
I say no one. And if they claim it, they do so because their more irrational hatred of us is older and stronger than their fear of Islam. And nothing we do, (or ever have done,) will change it.
Our strength lies in our own hands, our own minds, and our own hearts; in our own ability to see with unwavering clarity past the politics and the corruption of the world psyche, and to do due diligence to insure we remain strong as a PEOPLE. To discard the fallacy that all "born" Jews are us, because they are not. Those who claim Judaism without being whole in it will destroy us in the end if we give them any leverage within our collective soul. They need to be cast out.
The age, it is changing. Our survival depends on what we do as a people to insure that our children and our children's children do indeed know who they are, where they came from, and to find the pride to overcome the predjudice that will go on in spite of what is right or true.
As far as I am concerned, Olmert, Barak, and Livni can take their PR and shove it. Just do the right thing for once in their less than upstanding lives, and maybe...just maybe, Israel will once again command some respect from the world, because we will never have their love.