This must begin by telling you that you do not know me. You cannot. I will explain further at some point, but for now, a quote, a philosophy I have lived by all of my life. It is something I have always felt but took years to fully understand. Below is a link to a previous version of evolution via JOB with simple explanations which prove that it is a far more in depth and important lesson than we have ever bothered to learn. All Scripture is from Hebrew Scriptures, 1917, JPL.
Chapter 13-1: Lo, mine eyes have seen all this,
Mine ear hath heard and UNDERSTOOD it.
2. What ye know, do I know also;
I am NOT inferior to you.
3. NOTWITHSTANDING I would speak to the Almighty,
Most of us have long seen grasshoppers as wise thanks to "fairy tales,"...pun intended, and fables from men long on imagination but short on actual knowledge.
After noting throughout the years that Mohammadanism does not behave in any rational way compatible to life, the thought occurs that we had not been privy to watching or studying the actual pathology intrinsic to their avowed "religion" because we did not have the means nor the inclination.
In truth, Mohammad was nothing more than a catalyst for what has always been the voracious nature of this cowardly beast that has been destroying cultures since early Neanderthal, though most people consider this species extinct.
The fact remains that there was a mixing of Neanderthal and Cro Magnon and it is my firm belief that some of these genes, dormant for a time, became more dominant as cultures separated and the two were completely removed from each other by region where those excised were ordered destroyed and the order went unheeded to the detriment of the world.
We now have the means to watch them as they have moved from their natural habitats and spread out like droplets of acid thanks to modern travel and through the instantly obtainable raw footage of their immediate actions anywhere they have spread throughout the world.
Personally, the most salient visual facts have become the sights, (repeated in each and every instance of Islamic horror,) perpetrated on anything anywhere in the world, (including the murders amongst themselves,) from the most elderly men to the smallest children SWARMING TO these bloodlettings no matter how horrible. They dip their hands in blood, rip off body parts, bite what might be left alive, (remember the ordeal of Johnny "Mike" Spann in an Afghan terrorist training camp,) cause themselves to bleed, inflict ritual slicings and executions amongst themselves, and the resulting orgiastic frenzies which are beyond the scope of imagination, a reality to which we blind ourselves at our own peril.
A Swarm
And Children
Small Hands
Carving Collaborators, Manger Square
No one knows why, when, (or IF,) the Neanderthals became irrevokably extinct and were replaced by Homo sapiens sapiens (Cro-magnon man). There was likely contact between Neanderthal and Cro-magnon populations but the absence of Mitochondrial DNA traceable to the Neanderthals in modern humans has been taken to suggest a species barrier between Neanderthals and Cro-magnon.
But I digress, (and once again,) pun intended.
It might seem as if I am comparing apples and oranges, but the pathology suggests otherwise as I am using an inbred basic instinct the likes of which are anathema to humanity as we have come to believe exists.
For the record, I never believed that all men were created equal. I have never believed that all bipeds which LOOK human ARE human though they might seem to be. IF you believe that all men were created equal, explain how, through the process of evolution, bloodlines streamed right along at exactly the same pace with no deviation. I am Bat Kol and My Teacher tends to disagree that this fallacious equality exists, therefore if I owe an allegiance, it is to the truth and not to any man whatever his claims.
Now on with what you probably think is bizarre, but I would beg the tiniest application of logic here and a remembrance that this world holds many secrets which I have insisted would be vomited forth in a short timespan, and in all my life, every prophecy I have ever made has come to pass, and continue to unfold as the moments pass.
After having spent many years verbally prophecying the "impossible," (in the finest detal and covering all the minutia though science insisted, and insists to this moment, that what has already been proven is not,) to a witness that is above reproach, I call upon him now to tell you that for the past nearly 7 years...and for a time much longer than before I met him, I have prophecied to others and the proof is that it has always been borne out though it has not always been pleasant.
I have often deliberately not revealed what I knew to be true because it is heartbreaking and has often required excruciating control to deal with it emotionally.
I invite him to cite specific examples for which he and I both have files; I to a much stronger degree because I have literally hundreds of thousands of documents that I have been writing since childhood. As of this date, even a cursory reading of any of the sequences written in a child's hand, in an adult hand, in languages I should not have known, covering time spans that predate any known artifacts, (some as yet undiscovered,) bearing out, and yet to bear out, the truths of lifetimes and ages.
Thus begins the only true comparison to what is and has been the ultimate wall between still evolving humanity and the primal, far lessor beings that still inhabit this world having never having fully evolved.
By my calculations, the chances of others like me stand at 1 in 5 hundred million. Claiming a genetic Heritage as a Birthright is not an impossible thing to do...yet it does require an understanding of mind and memory which most people seem to have locked or blocked for many and varied reasons. Fear, perhaps. The continuous railing and shrill squeaking against the pursuit of what lies within...which is the ONLY way to know what is without.
Thus we come to Homodinejad, a hapless clown on a world stage, whose every whim and fantasy is indulged so that the chattering power behind the very small pretends to greatness. I would advise him/them to read Isaiah 13. THAT prophecy has yet to be fulfilled and all around "Persia" is literally grinding itself to bits, including that which the Saudi Djinn claim as their own, claim as holy, even as the stone crumbles in their midst.
BTW. Does Homodinejad look "Persian" to you?
There are two principal groups of grasshoppers. The long-horned
group, and the shield-bearing grasshoppers on which the wings are absent or so short that they cannot fly. The latter include the only serious pest in this group,
in my opinion, the wrongly catagorized, Mormon "cricket. "
I do not desire to include Mormons in with an instinctive, murderously destructive, spiritually negative army of beasts that offer nothing of value.
Anabrus simplex (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae), is a flightless katydid that characteristically form large cohesive migratory bands similar to those observed in locusts.
The short-horned group, with stout antennae much shorter than their
bodies, are ALL destructive. The non-migratory species mostly live and
die in the fields where they were hatched, but there is a huge number of
migrating kinds. Some of them, when conditions are favorable, multiply
enormously and migrate in immense swarms that devastate the lands
they visit. It is they that, since Biblical times, have been named locusts.
Actually, grasshoppers have always been among the most destructive of
insects. The Book of Exodus relates that, in Egypt, a vast swarm
covered the face of the earth "and there remained not any green thing. "
From the earliest Assyrian, Egyptian and Chinese chronicles we know
that terrible famines resulted from plagues of locusts that repeatedly
devastated parts of Africa and Asia.
Young Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae are called nymphs. These nymphs develop during the spring months. They undergo seven stages of development called in-stars.
After about the fourth in-star and during the adult stage the "crickets" become ravenous and start banding together. Once the crickets have banded together, they begin migrating. During their migrations they destroy everything in their path.
4th in-star
7th in-star
Once molting has taken place, they consume the remaining greenish skin then stay in place for a time to darken and harden their shielding.
Adult Male
This might explain the claim of green "rays" around Homodinejad since he is obviously still undergoing the in-star process.
Initially, these weapons of mass destruction form migratory bands as part of an anti-predator strategy . However, once these groups form, individuals in the group must contend with increased competition for resources as well as the threat of cannibalism.
Cannibals... wearing Red uniforms
Now, this is the precise MO for the swarming tendencies of those who profess and cling to Islam. While the rest of the uneducated world devides Islam into sects, whether it be Shia, Sunni, or Sufi, allow me to explain that they are in no way different from each other when their most basic instincts kick in, and the molting phase has been completed.
It is a plague upon the body of the earth that has no mercy for its own but will sing sweet songs into your ears until it becomes strong enough to consume and utterly destroy everything in its path...including you.
You have seen nothing but starvation, desolation, and murder for its own sake, and war where these swarming things, who can now board airplanes to almost anywhere on planet, have risen up.
Every terrorist war on Planet Earth is the direct result of the swarm's intention to glut the earth. And THAT is the fact of the matter. The more you feed it, the more dangerous it becomes. You see it in your cities, small towns, universities, islands, many countries, yet it feeds until there is nothing left but death.
In the end, Islam, thy name is DEATH.
Am Yisrael Chai.
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