Before I post the article which pertains to the title, NETANYA, there are not enough words in this world to express the grief I feel for you all right now. My prayers are with you, as always, and I mourn for your loss throughout all of this evil. Be strong. I pray to HaShem that our blood has not been shed in vain and that this terrible road will end in justice.
You did what you have done so many times in the past. You insufferably greedy, drooling ghouls have betrayed your people into their enemy's hands. That vote of "confidence" was not to keep a "stable" government. It was to KEEP PERES, BLOOD TRAITOR OF TRAITORS, IN POWER. You voted for Peres who has been trying to murder all of you since the day he stepped foot on the land. You are an evil, accursed government and the Land will fall with you, but my People need not follow you.
We must survive.
Behold the voice and cry of the daughter of My People from a land far off:
The Lord has spoken and has said unto you of conscience and soul, that the REMNANT who have renewed wisdom should come out of the cities and enter into Zion, for the land upon which you now dwell is abomination to the righteous, and Zion is ALWAYS home.
Israel has always been The People and wherever The People dwell is Israel.
There is a place for us where we need fear no man nor corrupt government, nor Arab, nor Islamofascists, nor anyone else. It is the place where children can be born and grow without fear; where women and men of faith, old and young alike, can pursue their dreams, their talents, craftsmenship, or expertise in whatever field they choose. It is the place where you are wanted, even sought after, where you can plant and harvest, create heaven where you stand, and HaShem will be with you. It is time to plan for tomorrow because there isn't much time left. This is a true thing and I would speak to you of truth.
So many of you, my blood and bone, believe that Benjamin Netanyahu sold you out when he made the deal with Bill Clinton for Hebron. It is not true.
When Bibi went to Washington, Clinton had previously committed perjury before a Federal Prosecutor and we had seen the tape. He claimed to NOT remember things he had done, though his "remarkable" memory was one of the most touted and admired things by those who slobbered on his flabby ass.
When the Israeli negotiators arrived in DC, Netanyahu, as Prime Minister, had already formulated the terms of any agreement. I BEG YOU to remember, for your own sakes, that Netanyahu was the ONLY PM who made a priority of freeing Yonaton Pollard who rots in prison still.
Arafat insisted on being given control of Hebron. Bibi knew that Arafat would stay Arafat and Hebron would return to Israeli hands. In the meantime, he insisted that ANY agreement with Arafat and Clinton MUST contain a full pardon for Pollard.
Now THAT is the truth, and THAT is what Bill Clinton promised in return for cooperation from Netanyahu.
The night before the agreement was to be officially signed, one of Israel's "negotiators" used a cell phone to call the press and announce this "secret agreement" absolutely knowing it would be splashed all over the front page, while knowing that Bill Clinton never had any intention of following through and keeping this bargain. (He had been with Rabin for the FIRST sell-out to Peres, Larsen, and Carter, and was on every "negotiating" team Israel had fielded since.) A diplomat, they call him. Traitor sez I.
Of course the press pummeled Clinton for possibly thinking he could release Pollard, even secretly at a later date. Clinton swore that was never part of the agreement. Said he didn't remember that Pollard had ever been brought up.
2 seconds before the "official" signing, with the US and World press and cameras ready to roll, Netanyahu, believing that Presidents of the United States were honorable men, was walking to what was supposed to be a simple formality with Clinton. Clinton looked him in the eye and said, "You know that thing about Pollard? I lied.", and kept walking to the podium with a smile on his face.
Immediately the lights went on for the packed press conference. Netanyahu was more enraged than I had ever seen him. He did not even have a split second for a reply but his anger was sorely visible.
He gave a speech you need to read so you can see for yourself what a horrible hoax was perpetrated on us that day by the devil itself.
Bibi's voice was full of emotion. He tried to tell the world that Clinton was LYING!
He repeated over and over and over what a wonderful man with such a remarkable memory Clinton was, but no one picked up on it. It sounded as if Netanyahu had lost his faculties. What did Clinton's remarkable memory have do do with anything? Anything at all? (Even though the world had just seen the videotape of Clinton being questioned where his replies were that his memory had lapsed with age. That he couldn't remember soooo many things. It was on that videotape we learned that the meaning of "is" was in doubt.
Netanyahu returned to Israel and Clinton's butt-lickers went after him with hammer and tongs. He was wrongly accused of financial fraud and run out of government.
Clinton's own people put Barak in office because Netanyahu was winding Israel out of debt with the US. Clinton knew he could never reach any kind of agreement with Netanyahu ever again, AND if he succeeded in freeing Israel from US debtor status, the US could not wield the big stick it had always held over Israel's head.
Remember that it was the US which forced Israel to abandon the Lavi jet fighter project which it helped fund because even though it was a superior plane, it would have been manufactured in Israel and would have cleared Israel of her debt. It would also have been stiff competition for American aircraft manufacturers...(not to mention that Israel would not be dependent on the US for planes and parts which the US continuously reminds Israel of each time we try to use them.)
Can you repeat after the US? USE RESTRAINT while they murder innocent people. (Or else daddy won't give you any more candy, kiddo.)
Remember WHY Pollard is in prison right now.
Remember that when the IDF had Arafat and his butchers trapped on Cypress, the US sent an American warship to rescue the entire PLO, escorting them on to the ship still carrying their weapons.
Big sticks fall very hard. It is still falling on Netanyahu.
Rabin was a Peres/Carter patsy.
Barak was a Clinton patsy and you have no idea how close you came to losing everything in one fell swoop then, and you seem to have no idea how close you are NOW!!!
Moshe Feiglin has already proven his unworthiness to be a leader of any kind, let alone stand up, like Bibi has after the attempted political assassination of an honorable man.
It took years for them to "investigate" the charges against Netanyahu. So long, that when they thought he was truly politically dead, they finally had to admit there was NEVER any evidence that he had EVER done what he was accused of.
Within hours after his name was cleared, Bibi was back to fight again another day. You KNOW that SHAS stood in the way of removing a reprehensible government not so very long ago and lost many, many seats because of it. You KNOW that Sharon stole the last election using blatant thuggery and nary a peep was heard in the land. And you NOW know that he has been a Peres puppet, a US water boy, and all of his answers to Rice have been in "Yes, Dear" mode.
For your sake. For the sake of preserving whatever dignity Israel, Land of the Hebrews, has left, do not plead, but INSIST and DEMAND that Netanyahu MUST be supported right now.
If you do NOT, you will never have the chance to save Israel again in your lifetime, nor the lifetimes of your children, because there will no more exist such a place.
HaShem has handed you this ONE last chance. Will you spit in G-d's eye again? And if you do, what reward will you expect afterward, because time is running out and you will not have this chance again...