Alright people. This is very long and I'm sorry about that, but this is sort of therapy for a broken heart and things that have bothered me since long before the sun set in Gush Katif.
Thursday, from dawn, Israel time, until sundown, I watched in utter disbelief as Hebrews wrenched Hebrews from homes and synagogues. As my heart was breaking and with tears flowing, I knew this was how it would be and had been expecting it because, as I have tried repeatedly to tell anyone who might dare listen, there is so much more to being Children of Israel than all the Rabbis in the world can, or will, teach you.
As much as I love Rabbi Kahane OBM, even he, as wise as he was, followed the path wrongly taken by those who had long since decided to keep the wisdom and the truth hidden from you so that the knowledge which should have been yours was locked in the grip of a few.
So tight was that grip that you do not know the difference between the rules G-d intended you to follow and the rules arbitrarily placed in your path by those who would control you, until men called them holy though they knew better. Warning after warning was given. Chance after chance. All that was ever asked was that you LOVE El Shaddai who stayed with you throughout your birthpangs, and LEARN the LAWS of the UNIVERSE set down in the beginning of the time of humankind. These things false prophets, leaders, kings, fops, and evildoers, kept from you and you have not followed G-d. You have followed men.
That which scholars have written prettily, those you call sages, had no more idea of who you are than you do.
How does it follow that the same G-d that forbade the people from building alters of hewn stones would instruct the same people to build an Ark to carry the most Holy LAWS out of gold and precious jewels? Who could have possibly known what cherabim and seraphim were that these graven images should be set as guardians when the rage caused by a graven image was so great that the earth "swallowed" hundreds who had ALREADY given all the gold and jewels in their camp to forge a golden calf, (which was also swallowed?)
Are you to believe that all the extra gold and gems were to be found just laying around like so many pieces of sand on the desert floor? Did they fall from heaven so that G-d would have them build an obscenity to carry before them to honor the Most Sacred of our Laws? It is NOT a reasonable assumption and yet the most greedy of men would kill to find that which does not exist.
YOU, THE PEOPLE, HAIVRI, are the Ark of the Covenant. Moses set down the Law, but You carry the meaning in your soul. YOU were supposed to fulfil and be the fulfilment, of the Law. It was meant to make you a fully human and unwavering PEOPLE, a standard by which others would learn by following your example. The Law was meant to abide with The People. MEN stole that from you and you could not complete your part of the Covenant.
It was no accident that there were so many diverse groups who joined the Exodus from Egypt. The tale of the Exodus serves its purpose, but it was not the true story and no one has seen fit to ask why the Exodus, why Moses, or what was the true reason Moses never finished the journey. These questions have true answers. Do you truly believe that the Mentor of The people would punish so severely for a simple whack on a rockface?
If you do, then you do not understand your nature or the nature of the place in which you reside.
What IS true, is that there WAS a Presence with the people throughout their journey. A Presence that the people had to be protected from lest they die. It is fact they were taught many valuable things, unknown before, which have been almost magically retained. What is ALSO true, is that having passed over the Jordan, those who had been Chosen, and make no mistake, THESE were the people who were Chosen to be G-d's People, began to revert to the old ways, demanding a king, demanding from G-d to be left alone. Righteousness was a burden. The rules were strict, and mens' voices replaced G-d's Voice. El Shaddai departed and left you to learn the hard lesson that when men follow men, they can become nothing more than mere.
You do not see it. You will not hear it. Because THAT VOICE cannot be heard by those who remain blind and deaf. And yet, you were told the answer to redemption from the very beginning. Still you plead with men to set you free. You turn to those men whom you see as holy and say, "Save us."You turn to community leaders and say, "Save us." You turn to a government of men, yay, a WORLD of men, and say, "Save us."
I tell you now, you are NOT JEWS. You are The Children of Israel, and each and every one of you who continues to call him/herself a JEW will get no response from the G-d of Israel because G-d did not gather in Jews as The People. Israel is The People. Judah is a tribe of Israel. Period. And there are far too many people who CALL themselves Jews who are not Judah OR Israel by any stretch of the imagination. Below are a few of just such "jews" that I would spit on for daring to claim that they are one with the People. They are not and do not deserve my respect. THESE are some of the same people El Shaddai would have swallowed up in the desert WITH all their gold and precious stones.
Former U.S. Ambassador Marc Ginsberg is senior vice president of APCO Worldwide and managing director and CEO of Northstar Equity Group, a financial management and consulting affiliate of APCO Worldwide. He is responsible for coordinating the ongoing
strategic client relationships and business planning for APCO throughout the Middle East, including Layalina Arab Television Productions – a private, not for profit Arab language television production company headquartered in Washington, D.C. and Amman, Jordan.
As CEO of Northstar Equity Group, Ambassador Ginsberg sources capital for international and U.S. companies and provides financial consulting assistance to U.S. and foreign companies operating throughout the Middle East. Northstar is strategically aligned with several U.S.-based private equity and venture capital funds to provide rapid-decision financing, market analysis and branding expertise to ventures expanding into the U.S. market and U.S. ventures globalizing their products and services.
Prior to this Ambassador Ginsberg served as the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco from 1994 to 1998 and also served as Special U.S. Coordinator for Mediterranean Trade, Investment and Security Affairs. In this capacity, he was responsible for evaluating and coordinating American trade, investment and national security policies in the Mediterranean Basin for the U.S. State Department.
He also served as deputy senior advisor to President Carter on Middle East affairs, and was the White House liaison for Secretary of State Vance. He was also a national security legislative assistant to Senator Edward M. Kennedy while attending undergraduate school.
Ambassador Ginsberg also is Fox News Channel’s principal global affairs commentator and appears regularly on all Fox News Channel programs.
And that is exactly where I have seen him time and again spouting the peace rhetoric that always gets Israelis murdered. But Thurday morning it was especially horrific. This man was smiling into the camera as IDF and Border Police were herding women and children who were losing their homes into waiting buses. He praised Sharon as "courageous" and heroic, while at the same time stating this was not a victory for the palestinians, but rather a sign of hope for a real and lasting peace.
Meanwhile, they CLAIM victory nonetheless, and prepare celebrations of bloodlust, many of which the cameras have not shown us. Still, we know it. AND HE knows it.
Marc Ginsberg stood at Carter's side while he slashed the Shah of Iran's throat and allowed Kholmeini to re-enter Iran in triumph. (Ain't Iran our best buddy now?)
His words from then have now been repeated for Abbas. There isn't a doubt in my mind that he would have had the same response to Arafat...and already would have if Arafat had closed that terrifying deal with Barak.
Friday morning, his face scrunched up like he had been sucking lemons, he bitterly complained how outrageous it was that "right wing extremist settlers" would dare resist the IDF's attempt to forcibly remove them from homes and Synagogues...since the IDF was simply "following orders." Now where is it that I heard that immoral orders were no excuse? Wasn't that at Nuremburg, Ginsberg? Didn't we just hear it all over again from the same leftist cadre about the "abuse" at Abu Ghraib?
Well,THIS happened on Friday.
Peace, Peace. When there is no peace.
Marc Ginsberg, you REALLY need to SHUT UP!
NYC Consul General ARYEH MEKEL (link)
“The hasbara [public image of Israel] we knew is now over,” said Aryeh Mekel, Israel’s consul general in New York. “Over the last four years, we explained that we were the victim, that the Palestinians were the villains, and that we were not using excessive force [in chasing down Palestinian terrorists]. Sometimes we were successful; sometimes we were not.
“We are now at a new stage in which we have to explain that we want peace, that we have a disengagement plan, and that if we get real negotiations with the Palestinians, we want to implement the ‘road map’ ” to peace.
Back to Thursday. In front of my eyes, they were showing live feed of Tranportation Containers especially rigged with wire mesh hanging from cranes which were being hoisted to remove protesters from the roof of the Synagogue at Kfar Darom. The only thing I could think of when I saw them were Nazi cattlecars. Evidently, that is what the host thought of as well. He was aghast at the Holocaust imagery and said so. At that moment, Aryeh Mekel, NYC Israeli Consul General, was speaking to Fox News about how grand the disengagement would be for the "roadmap."
Jon Scott, obviously somewhat stunned, asked Mr. Mekel what HE thought of the Holocaust imagery, and was just as stunned when Mekel replied that as someone from a family of Holocaust survivors, he was outraged AT THE SETTLERS for employing such imagery. He called it sacrilegious that those who were being herded would employ such tactics to try and change public opinion to their side.
As he was speaking, in rather harsh terms, I could not help but think that this was FAR worse than sacrilege. This was Brother against Brother on Israeli Government orders. I don't think anyone in their wildest dreams could have believed that Israel, ISRAEL, would PLAN such a display to have it broadcast all over the world. If anyone who saw it wasn't horrified, they have no soul. And that includes Mekel for not at least reminding himself that some of those people being torn from their homes were ALSO Holocaust Survivors who believed in their dream and the promise of a government that lied to them.
Oh my, yes. The hasbara has certainly changed. Now the perception of Israel as a hope for the future of our children, has changed. Our hope in the United States has changed. We are betrayed by you and those like you whose greed and lack of moral comprehension scale the walls of high palaces where you seem to think we should not dare follow.
But you are wrong. You have not destroyed our spirit...any of you. And the L-rd G-d of Eretz Yisrael watches over us still. Someday, we will learn how evil survives at the cost of goodness and we will defeat it. Your money will be worthless as your empty words.
Unfortunately, I think the imagery was much too appreciated by those around the world who long for a repeat of Auschwitz. And even though we knew there were no deathcamps at the end of that ride, we could not help but cringe. What WAS it like for families of survivors to see a flashback like that? So, Aryeh Mekel, please shut up. You are a government lackey and a cold, cold man.
Ambassador Dore Gold is President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.(?) He was the eleventh Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations (1997-1999). Previously he served as Foreign Policy Advisor to the former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Ambassador Gold has served as an advisor to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who asked him to accompany his entourage to Washington and to the 2003 Aqaba Summit with President George W. Bush. He was a member of the Israeli delegation at the 1998 Wye River negotiations between Israel and the PLO, outside of Washington. He negotiated the Note for the Record, which supplemented the 1997 Hebron Protocol.
Anyone remember the filthy trick Clinton played on Netanyahu in these negotiations? Anyone notice that Gold was intricately inolved in all of this?
Dore Gold, on FoxNews, was also asked his opinion of the "disengagement." That was when the numbers came in. Why should ONLY 9,000 "settlers" be "allowed" to live surrounded by 1.4 MILLION palestinians? It would all be just fine. The protesters would be taken to the "Israeli Side" of the crossing and let go.
When did Gush Katif become NOT Israel? Is there another country somewhere in there we haven't heard about? Didn't we WIN the '67 War? Why do JEWS continuously refer to our legitimate claim to what we won after the Arabs attcked us as "Occupied Territories?" If anyone occupied anything, the palestinians occupied Israel. Before '67, the Gush was empty and nearly devoid of life anywhere.
By then, I was threatening to throw harmful objects at my television screen and yelling at Dore Gold to SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!!
NAOMI WOLF (An Insult to Wolves.)
Yeah. THAT Naomi Wolf
Wolf was born in San Francisco in 1962 and studied at Yale and New College, Oxford, as a Rhodes Scholar.
During Al Gore's unsuccessful bid for the 2000 US presidency, Wolf was hired as a consultant to target female voters, reprising her role in the Clinton campaign. Wolf's ideas and participation in the Gore campaign generated considerable media coverage and criticism. According to a report by Michael Duffy in Time Magazine, "Wolf [was] paid a salary of $15,000 a month…in exchange for advice on everything from how to win the women’s vote to shirt-and-tie combinations."
Wolf was also involved in Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election bid where she brainstormed with the Clinton-Gore team about ways to reach "soccer moms" and other female voters. Wolf is married to a former Clinton speechwriter, David Shipley.
Wolf became involved in scandal in 2004 by accusing renowned Yale professor Harold Bloom of sexual harassment in 1983 when she was a 20-year-old undergraduate at Yale.
What an ass-inine piece of work this is. It only took 21 years to issue this charge. Needed the headlines since Gorewentnutsandiedfromallyouralphastuff? No wonder the Clintonistas love her. I have never heard such drivel from someone who thinks it knows everything until it opens its mouth. Sorry for the "it" word, but I honestly don't know what else to call this deluded creature.
I was informed by this snake in great makeup, (even though she's a rabid feminist who thinks beauty isn't important,) that while SHE, herself is a joo, speaks Hebrew and every damn thing, PLUS has a brother who served in the IDF, we must all remember that Israel stole that land from poor and impoverished palestinians who once had homes there too. It was only fair that we give them back their homes.
Proving, to me, anyway, that in her case beauty really IS skin deep, and it doesn't make up for the lack of brainpower, I wondered what history book she had been reading. Finally, I figured it must have been straight off a Richard Dreyfuss newsletter or something, because NObody could tell that big of a lie with a straight face. Yep. And I believed her too. She looked SO sincere. Reminded me why I loathe Clintonistas.
So, Naomi. Are the poor palestinians going to give back all the Israeli women and children they murdered in cold blood? Yes, I'm talking to you, Naomi. From the viewpoint of someone who stopped doing a rather large website on Arafat's butchery and had to, I repeat,HAD TO
stop doing it because I could not bear to post even one more picture of empty baby strollers that babies had been sitting in scant moments before they were blasted to smithereens.
Have you seen the photos of the lynchings at Ramallah? The bloodsoaked beds where parents and children were murdered in their sleep? I'd show you, but, see, your kind of friends think that's a good thing. So I won't, you self-hating bimbo.
Speaking of your friends:
From left: August 23, 1996, The Oval Office; August 2, 2005, Harlem, New York.
(Photo credit: Chuck Close)
Excerpt: And as soon as he’s seated, Clinton launches into stories. During appetizers, he throws in an impersonation of Natan Sharansky’s reaction to a proposed withdrawal plan from Gaza:
I come from the biggest country in the world to one of the smallest countries in the world, and you vant me to cut it in half? I don’t sink so.
“Natan,” Clinton tries to plead. “You were not in the biggest country in the world. You were in a jail cell this big.” He extends his arms, approximating the dimensions.
I don’t sink so, Natan repeats.
For the record, this pathological, perjuring, egotistical, self aggrandizing, megalomaniacal, raping, disbarred, impeached, greedy, traitorous, drug-ravaged lunatic, would have to stand on tiptoe to lick the soles of Natan Sharansky's shoes IF he was having a VERY good day. On a bad day, he probably couldn't reach past his runny nose or see through the glaze in eyes.
Oh, yes, Naomi. This is pure guilt by association. Feminists and Our Revered Rapist sounds like a great title for your next book. Just ask Hillary.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch,
(link to full article)
Because Israel does not qualify for assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Palestinian Authority did not want to do anything that helped the settlers, the money had to come from private sources, and was handled through the Aspen Institute, a public policy advocacy group that has promoted investment in Palestinian interests.
It really IS an atrocity to find the "Aspen Institute" Link is the home away from home of this same Mortimer Zuckerman, so anxious to help the poor, defenseless "palestinians" while railing against them and shedding crocodile tears all over
Jewish World Review
and elsewhere about Israelis giving up land to terrorists. The statement that Israel did not qualify for assistance from USAID is a flat out lie.
The fact is the palestinians do not want the greenhouses because Hamas needs to keep these people rabid and murderous. Those who would have something valuable to work at and build would be useless to the butchers because they MIGHT want a real peace.
The people who worked at those greenhouses are as good as dead already because they will be adjudged collaborators. We have all seen what happens to anyone Hamas considers a collaborator. So have the workers. Most have more fear of this so-called disengagement than the Israelis who have been ripped from their world.
The above link is the Aspen Institute's board of trustees. Anyone who could sit next to Madelaine Albright and Prince Bandar Bin Sultan and claim a love for Israel is a baldfaced liar..and NEEDS to SHUT UP!!!
WASHINGTON - An agreement to leave greenhouses intact in the Gaza Strip after Israeli settlers leave, turning over to the Palestinians a major economic engine for the impoverished region, resulted from the personal intervention of an American envoy, Israel's ambassador said Friday.
Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said the deal had been in the works for some time but "it could not have been reached without the participation of *Mr. Wolfensohn."
*Note: $500,000 out of his own pocket.
YET ANOTHER "Insult to Wolves"
The deal created by James Wolfensohn, (link) special envoy of the Quartet of Middle East peacemakers — the United States, the United Nations, the European Union and Russia — came just in time, Ayalon said.
The U.S. Agency for International Development had planned to pay for the greenhouses, but the Palestinian Authority, the government of the Arab residents of lands taken by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War, rejected the plan on grounds it would compensate Israelis for occupying Palestinian land.
The above link is Mr. Wolfensohn's testimony to the Senate about the "Roadmap." Israel, Hebrews, I urge you to read this thing because the fat lady has not yet sung.
“Everyone empathises with what the Israelis are facing,” she said, but added, “It cannot be Gaza only.” Rice insisted that soon after the pullout is complete Israel must take additional steps, including loosening travel restrictions in the West Bank and withdrawing from more Palestinian cities, the newspaper said.
Asked whether Rice had drawn up a list of Palestinian cities from where the Israelis should withdraw next, State Department spokesman, Sean McCormack, declined to provide any specifics.
Isn't she just ever so commanding a presence? Can you stand it, this fraud, this perpetrator of indecency, that wherever she goes, the US gains an enemy? That whenever she opens her mouth, some Arab freak decides to bomb something? In the last several minutes, as I have been trying to put this post together, both Eilat and a US Navy ship in the Jordanian Port of Aqaba have been attacked by these wonderful people of hers "yearning for peace."
Tell it to the moonbats, Condi. I make no apologies for what I am about to say because it is the truth and someone had better recognize it before it goes any further because if they don't, this woman will single-handedly destroyed any credibility the US ever had, if indeed it hasn't happened already.
Condi Rice has grown up living what she believes is the "black experience." She grew up listening to black preachers talking about the "black struggle" for human dignity, blinded to the black radicals who insisted on keeping it that way. Always, the struggle. She is the CLASSIC victim who can now punish her brutalizers...and the champion anyone she perceives as brutalized, (as she has been all of her life.)
Ms. Rice has bought into this palestinian victimhood fallacy hook, line, and sinker. Even if she knows the truth, it doesn't matter. It's the perception that matters, and Ms. Rice is nothing if not a bully with power of the entire US government behind her.
Here is a clue, Condi. TALK is very, very cheap. Sneering and snarling, demanding and commanding only makes others WANT to say NO! Like the EUnics who whine and dine their enemies to boredom and tears, niether effort will bring a desirable result. In the end, the answer will always be no. And in many cases, those nos are disastrous for all of us.
For Israel, who desperately seeks peace, has BEEN desperately seeking peace since forever, there is nowhere left to go. You and the President I had so much faith in have betrayed the best friend you ever had, and now you have none.
You have those who call themselves jews thinking they are Brer Bear with their hands in the honeypot. The Nazis are lapping this up like warm German beer. Oh, how wonderful for the world to see Hebrews against Hebrews. For the muzzleimonazis, it has GOT to be orgasmic. They will celebrate by spilling the blood of innocents until they are satiated for a minute.
But, ma'am, Benny Elon is quite right. The "relative" quiet in Gaza from Hamas at this moment, is not stopping the terrorists elsewhere in and out of Israel. I, as a human being, will never forgive this administration for its abandonment and blackmail of HaIvri. You have chosen evil and death, and you haven't the foggiest idea of what you have unleashed on the world.
Might I take a moment and point your raging eyes towards Iran? Israel was easy for you. Why don't you go try stomping your boots at the Revolutionary Guard? Afraid they might not be as gentlemanly as Sharon? Next post, I will show you, because they are not. But you will have to deal with them. THEY are in charge now. Or hadn't you noticed during this predatory stalking of Hebrews so you can claim a great victory on behalf of the Nazis and Islamonazis represented quite grandly on the State Department website under "products?"
OUR TAX DOLLARS hard at work so they can spend theirs on madrassas?
For your edification, this is one of many Kurds recently tortured and murdered by Iran's new leadership. It seems it has become Iran's major imperative, along with the Turks, to complete a genocide of Kurds as rapidly as possible. I don't suppose there is any real hurry to insure THEIR freedom, now, is there?
Link to
How would you like THIS on your doorstep, Condi?
You have no idea what you are doing and you NEED TO SHUT UP!!!
I must say that was a brilliant and paaionate post. I loved it!
Wow, it takes PATIENCE to read all that... but it is worth it!
A from my blog link to this site of yours is now in place.
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