So, Condi,
On July 21, 2005, you took your demanding self to Darfur. You "demanded" a photo-op with the sultan, (or whatever that little creep dressed in white sheets called himself,) and surely he did smile pretty for the cameras all the while his security guards manhandled, pushed, shoved, and otherwise harrassed your entire entourage of Americans. The Sudanese government told you, and rightly so, in THEIR country, there is no freedom of the press and made you look foolish. It was a slap in your face, Condi, and geez, were you angry.
You were SO angry, that in your anger and "outrage," you marched your demanding self right through the chickenwire at the "refugee"/murder camp nearest you and played patty-cake with a starving child, who ALSO smiled real pretty for the camera.
Ah, yes, there you were smiling brightly, wearing just the right climate-oriented fashion, giving all those poor and desperate people the Ms. America treatment...and then you left.
Condi, do you know? Do you care? That each and every person in that camp will die because the great "diplomat," Colin Powell went there, gave them hope...and walked away to complain to an impotent, thieving, lying, terrorist sympathizing, soul destroying UN that even refused to call what was happening there genocide? (You DO remember Ruanda and Kofi's no-stand, don't you?)
Do you know? Do you care? That not one single thing has changed since? Yet there you were, and the entire plight of the Sudanese people being imprisoned in those camps was completely wiped out by the circus you and your "press" friends put on for the cameras because THEIR arrogance and YOUR pride was more important than the people you were supposedly there to help. You stood with those sad, doomed people and smiled, then turned your back, proving once again, the old adage that, at least to you and your grand entourage, it really IS better to be seen and not heard. I found tons of articles about your outrage on behalf of the whining, parasitic, press whores who followed you around like breathless puppies... and exactly three that even mentioned the GENOCIDE in Darfur.
HERE is one of them.
Now I don't feel so all alone.
Was the truth so abhorrent to you that you simply could not bear to have it told? Or is the real truth exactly what we saw? Because, Condi, what we all saw was the very real lamestream media making itself the story as it is ever wont to do, and you letting them. Your anger should have been at them for interfering when the entire world should have been lasered in on the plight of hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children under the penalty of death just for existing. But you stomped your feet and expressed "outrage" at your treatment in Darfur, got your "apology," and off you went on a magic carpet ride.
If you'd like to read the response from islamonazis on Darfur, go HERE.
You aren't supposed to get in islam's way when they WANT you well know. After all, it's CHRISTIANS in Darfur being slaughtered, starved, enslaved, raped, hobbled, maimed and auctioned off. Oh. And they're black. Imagine that. So when did you become a slavemaster sympathizer?
I got a newsflash, Condi. The people in those deathcamps really DO want to be free.
Believe me. As a member of an Orthodox Hebrew family, most of whom were murdered in deathcamps, I know exactly what I am saying.
If that wasn't embarrassing enough, you made a "surprise" visit, film crew and all, to Lebanon, dressed to the Ts, had a GREAT photo-op with the Lebanese leader, whatever he calls HIMself, DEMANDED that Syria better leave the poor guy alone, then you left. Six hours later, they bombed the place.
Syria, (Hezbullah,) slapped you in the face, Condi, but of course, you were already busy picking fashion desertwear for your vaunted meeting with your good friends at the PLO where you asked them ever so nicely what they wanted from you, that maybe you didn't notice Hezbullah's expression of great joy at your surprise visit to Lebanon. So sorry you missed the fireworks display. But, don't let it bother you any. it was just a Christian neighborhood. No muzzleims got a scratch.
GREAT photo-op with the Munich Olympics moneyman, planner, butcher, terrorist, Mazen, Condi. You looked marvelous, Darling!
Oh, dear secretary, (as Mazen, himself referred to you, so I hope you don't mind the familiarity,) upon completion of THAT mission, you took your demanding self right back to Israel to tell them to open a terrorist import airport, allow them to run terrorist cargo into a private seaport, and throw the all the gates open for any freaking islamonazi to murder Israelis at will. I think I even heard you whisper to Shaul Mofaz to order Israelis to run directly under qassams being fired into the settlements because the poor palis MUST be getting frustrated at not having killed hundreds of us at once. We can't have them becoming MORE frustrated, now, can we? 'Cause, see, if they can't murder enough of US, they need to see blood so badly, they start murdering each other.
You know that the REAL cause of the "poor" and "oppressed," mongrels who named themselves palestinians, is to wipe out all us pesky Joos and turn everything we've built into the rubble they have made themselves accustomed to. After all, Jordan was on ITS way to ruin when King Hussein had to kill thousands of them to save what was left of Transjordan because a couple of foul Egyptian butchers WANTED it.
Then they WANTED Lebanon. Did you notice the rubble of what was once a garden nation while on your "surprise" visit or remember what started Lebanon on its way to ruin? And, oh, by the way, have you noticed the Egyptians' response to your promo of Democracy in Egypt? You can read it HERE.
Yep, and then they blew up Sharm el Shiekh. Wonderful friends you have there, kid. But hey, as long as its Israelis and Christians being murdered by islamonazis, what's the REAL problem?
Well, Condi, the problem is that islamonazis kill anything that moves if they don't think you're nazi enough. That wouldn't include you, of course, because you understand so well their intrinsic NEED to be FREE, don't ya?
Massive brain damage, Condi. Anytime you think these awful creatures can be civilized enough to stop murdering everything including their individual selves, you have lost your senses. Even THEY don't believe themselves. And I'm sorry, but you just won't ever look SO good that they wouldn't murder you too in a New York minute. A burka might solve that problem, but you'd best be prepared for the new dawn of slavery on all the world. I mean, haven't you noticed the barbarism in Iraq? Men, women, children, clerics, and um, Americans. Burnings, beheadings, bombings, shootings and all of that nasty stuff?
I've read and heard the terrible news that a young American woman was one of the murdered in Sharm el Shiekh, and I certainly sympathize, but not one single word about the AMERICAN who was kidnapped in Gaza. Now why IS that, ma'am? Does that person cease to be an American, according to this administration, if he happens to be Hebrew?
There are answers to these questions. I am just sickened by them. But I'm going to post them anyway because many of us had so much hope in the promises of President Bush, and yes, in you, Condi.
While we are having this intimate conversation, I need to ask just one more question. Why is it that in Israel, People of Faith are referred to as "right-wing extremists," for wanting to keep the land they bought and built with blood and sweat instead of handing their dreams and the fruits of THEIR labor over to those who never even tried to build on the land before Israel became a state?
There might be some, but I don't personally know any religious Israelite who does not have trees planted all over Israel because it was not green when the ever-friendly British were finally forced to allow Hebrews into a sliver of the Land of the Patriarchs.
Those trees are monuments to our faith and memorials to the millions who were murdered by the same kinds of people you support now. Our Great Grandmothers, Great Grandfathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers Aunts, Uncles, Cousins we will never know are commemorated in those trees. Individually, those of us left who remain faithful, have planted trees for every occasion under heaven. There are trees in our names, in our childrens' names, our parents' names, friends' names, because we consider it an honor to have roots, literally, in Eretz Yisrael.
Since I was a very small child saving pennies and nickles, when all my friends were buying Barbie clothes, I was buying trees for Israel. My first Tree was dedicated to my Father, KIA in Vietnam.
When I grew older, there were many more. There are trees for my mother, then me, then my twins when they were born, then three trees twice each year for my son who died, (3 on his birthday, and 3 on the anniversary of his death,) several more each year from friends of my son because he was beloved. There are three each year for my living son on his birthday. There are so many now I have lost count because trees grow for soldiers, ours and Israel's, who give their lives for freedom.
How dare you now demand that the land we have so lovingly cultivated and made as beautiful as the souls of our families and friends and heroes, be handed over to those who would most certainly destroy it all because WE grew it?
All of Eretz Yisrael is a living monument, a living memorial, and a living testimonial to the love and faith of Hebrews worldwide. You would rip our souls to satisfy ghouls who will never be satisfied until Israel is again barren and desolate. Even then, they will not stop until the rest of the world is as abominable as they are. That includes you and yours. Is there a cross where your friends and family are at rest, Condi? Do you think they will respect that any more than they respect themselves? The answer is no. They do not know the meaning of the word...and I am growing more fearful every day, that YOU have either never understood the real truth about the faux palestinian culture, or you honestly want us as dead as much as they do. In which case, why is THAT?
Never mind. I know the answer to that one too.
Those answers will be found HERE shortly.
When they come for you, Condi, who will speak for you? When death comes for you, dear Condi, do you think you will be forgiven for your role in returning the world to the stoneage and all the deaths that will now follow because most of the world is cowardly and weak? Do you, dear secretary, believe that once Israel has been reduced to rubble and ruin, that somehow magically and mystically, peace will reign across the planet?
No, Condi. Those who are murdering Israelis are a very few compared with those who are murdering everyone else. Once Israel no longer exists, those who haven't already, will join their bestial brothers and there will be more of them murdering the rest of you. Islam means submission, after all. Who will you and your advisors blame then?