Hey!!! Benny!!! This ain't us!!!
MK Elon Launches New Book Bridging Christians and Jews
Israeli Knesset Member Benny Elon is in the United States to kick off a campaign to connect Christians and Jews in support of Biblical Israel.
Together with MKs Yuri Stern and Gila Gamliel, Elon is attending the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Anaheim, California, the largest annual gathering of Christian broadcasters.
There is not one single word in the Hebrew Holy Scriptures I have not read. Not just once, but many, many times. I wanted to understand who we are and why we are. It would seem that many of my fellow *Jews* need very badly to do the same, because clearly, they do NOT understand.
The original Covenant was between G-d and Abraham. It passed to Isaac and then to Jacob. But it all changed when the sons of Jacob sold their own brother into bondage. You have not paid attention to the details, Children, and you have wandered far from the straight path.
The Covenant was irrevokably changed when the rag-tag bunch of people following Moses, fleeing from Pharoah and misery in Egypt were given guidance in the desert by HaShem. Lest any of you forget, Ephraim and Manasseh were sons borne to Joseph by an Egyptian mother, yet their offspring were given full status as the heads of tribes though they were not part of the Covenant as it was.
Amongst the People of the Desert were Nubians, Moors, gentiles, Semites, Bedouin, Moabites, Egyptians, non-believers, many who had gods of their own. HaShem raised a Voice to THESE people.
YE shall be my people and I shall be Your G-d. You will follow My rules or die. You will be taken to a Land that I shall give you and it shall be your Land so long as you obey MY LAW. But before this, in order to bring ALL of these people out of Egypt and into the Covenant, the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron:
This is the ordinance of the passover: there shall be no alien eat thereof; but every man's servant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then he shall eat thereof.A sojourner and a hired servant shall not eat thereof.
...And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover unto the Lord, let all his males be circumcised, and let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land; but no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof.
ONE LAW shall be unto him that is homeborn AND unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.Thus did all of the children of Israel; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they.
And it came to pass the selfsame day that the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their hosts. (By a multitude)
We were kept in the desert and in the mountains until every Law was written down and understood, and many died because they disobeyed the rules.
Moses separated the people according to the tribal names of the the sons of Jacob, (Israel,) and also included his grandsons. The people gathered in by these Tribes were NOT all the seed of Jacob.
BUT THESE were the ultimate CHOSEN people, not all children of Israel, surely, but adopted into the tribes because of the circumcision specifically to keep them apart from uncircumscised peoples who had different customs, beliefs in many different gods, and it was these people that were spoken to, educated, and made whole as A PEOPLE.
It was these people who were led to the Promised Land After the Law had been written, the penalties made abundantly clear, one belief in ONE G-d made these many differing persons A PEOPLE. THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. G-d's People.
One thing G-d was very clear about was allowing alien cultures to live with them or for them to copy any other culture.
And yet, here is a *religious* Jew, Benny Elon, going straight into the lion's mouth, to a culture who could not possibly be more alien to us, and kowtowing for their support.
Now, that support is very, very conditional. They will love us as long as...there is hope they can convert us, or that we will bring about their self-prophecied Armageddon so THEIR Messiah will come back and we will either ALL be miraculously converted or die.
Conversely, until then, they certainly do believe we are damned straight to hell. So why wouldn't they support us?
They won't have to share heaven and in the end, they will have Jerusalem. Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
I will never forget as long as I live the Columbine Memorial Service. It was Yom Kippur Eve and an Orthodox Rabbi from New York had been asked to deliver a Colorado. On the same program was the Chairman of The Southern Baptist Evangelical Organization.The Rabbi needed to speak early because he had flown out to Colorado and had to catch the very next flight back to New York to be there before sundown. He gave a very moving prayer of remembrance, love, and consolation to those who had gathered there and to those of us watching on national television.
He quickly departed and before he had gotten off the grounds, this arrogant *minister* set aside his condolences to the gathering in order to chide the Rabbi by telling him, though he was not there, that ESPECIALLY on The Day of Atonement, we *Jews* should atone for our greatest sin and accept Jesus Christ as the TRUE Lord and Savior, or we would all burn in hell for eternity.
This is a quote from that same guy on their website: Given the pervasive influence of a postmodern culture, we are called to proclaim Jesus Christ as the only Saviour and salvation is in His name alone. Baptists thus reject inclusivism and pluralism in salvation, for these compromise the Gospel itself. Salvation comes only to those who call upon the name of the Lord, and come to personal faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour.
One of their articles of faith:
IV. Salvation
Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for the believer. In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, justification, sanctification, and glorification. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.
Now this poses a problem for me. In particular, just what IS the Lord's Name? When did it become Latino? And why would G-d commit suicide when we all know that is a definite no-no? THEN, why would G-d approve of genocide in whatever name they choose to call it? And how come G-d never told US, who I think were the only ones to ever hear actual words spoken by the guy that was hovering over us in our wanders, that the Covenant was bwoke? (Not a typo, but thanks for noticing.)
THAT day, I nearly puked that this creature would have the audacity to say such a thing on national television to a Rabbi who had clearly gone almost three thousand miles out of his way to offer our condolences to the families of those teens who were killed at Columbine on the eve of our Highest Holy Day. I think the thing that really got to me was that this preacher was as cold as a fish and heartless as a stone. He smirked as if he had just won the lottery.
I have heard the same pronunciations from any number of Evangelicals who speak with forked tongues including the Reverend Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and others too numerous to be listed.
Oh, yeah. They support us alright. As long as heaven remains Judenrein.
And to any one who says they believe in ONE G-d and ONE LAW who would crawl on their bellies to these arrogant and hateful perveyors of absolute antisemitism, I say a pox on you because you are obviously a liar...especially if you call yourself a Rabbi.
The only things that are halfway true in the entire New Testament is that John the Baptist, Yoshua to me, was a truthteller, and Saul of Tarsus was a murderer of women, men, and children, or very much like Yossi Beilin who doesn't mind seeing us murdered at all. Odd that one of our greatest heroes was beheaded for defending G-d, morals, ethics, and Israel, and we never speak of him, but we are afraid to call a myth a myth or a traitor a traitor.
Nope, they get churches and cathedrals that cost enough money to feed the entire world for at least a week. One is a messiah and one is a saint. Go figure.