Slapped by our own...again...and again. It makes one wonder that we simply don't get right in line and stick our heads under some hopped-up muzzlem's rusty, trusty blade, or at the very least paint targets on our chests so they'll aim straight next time.
I've long since had it with the ADL and Abe Foxman, the Jewish Jesse Jackson, ethnic pimp and professional shakedown artist, but the AJF leaders of Seattle have made Foxy Foxman look somewhat less despicable than usual with their reaction to the wanton terrorist shootings of unarmed women in their elaborate headquarters.
While we have come to expect Abe to go after red meat like a Mel Gibson type who will doubtless slip the ADL a couple of mil for "accepting" his apology in our name, and didn't really expect him to jump ugly at the acts of terror the government keeps insisting are "isolated incidents," and the agency HE heads wants us disarmed and helpless, you might think that a glorified bunch of "Conservative Jews" who had just had a murder and other unprovoked shootings in front of their eyes might at LEAST display an angry scowl or two.
Alas. What we saw was a leftist, so-called rabbi, of perpetual victimhood sitting in a television studio with a Muslim "cleric" giving an eloquent dissertation as to how the AJF was going to solve the teaching the Quran to its members to promote "understanding." (Of course, the muslim cleric will be there to explain that where it says to kill Jews, it doesn't really mean it.)
I tend to doubt that he will tell them that the only thing that will save their sorry butts is to convert to...AGHHHH! If I have to say the damned thing again, I will barf.
I tend to think that Mel Gibson, if he really believes in his version of Catholicism, is the selfsame caricature of the Judas he created for his film. Maybe he just forgot that his supposed lord was a Jew because the Romans wanted it that way. Hitler had good propagandists, but compared to the Romans, they were pikers.
Suffice it to say, Gibson betrayed HIS lord big time, and Foxy can't get him out of that trip no way, no how.
My very real concern is that these shootings in Seattle were premeditated and were preceded by at least four other murders of Jews in the USA in the very recent past which never got a national headline. Crikey! I'M still waiting for someone to decide whether the shooting at El Al in LAX in 2002 was a terrorist act.
The Seattle police, being oh, so politically correct, have "beefed up" security around Synagogues AND mosques. I thought, "You've GOT to be kidding me. There are probably enough munitions in the mosques to stage a dozen mass murders each...maybe more in the MADrassas."
Haven't the police who are supposed to protect and serve, ever read the terrorist handbook? Haven't the deformed and conservative joos ever heard of Hezbollah? Hamas? Syria? Iran? Zawahri? Nassrallah? D'Saud? Fatah? et al?
At this moment, yet another attack against American Jews in Baltimore is being reported. A firebombing at a Synagogue. I have seen NO such acts or reprisals from our communities against the attackers. The US thinks as long as it is only Jews...for now, these atrocities are acceptable. I don't.
Sleezlam has their killers everywhere. The northwest is a happy haven for bunches of them, but so is everywhere else these days, thanks to Mr. Peanut and his successors.
I'm reminded by a friend, that Ronald Reagan could have cleaned out Iran way back when, but did not. Instead, they chose to back both Iran AND Iraq at war with each other. Nor did he respond when Hezbollah murdered so many Americans in Beirut. He sent Navy vessels to escort the PLO off the island of Cypress with all their weapons when Israel could have ended Arafat's reign of terror.
The world keeps reporting that Nasrallah is the leader of Hezbollah but we know that Iran has appointed Iman Mugniyah, Homodinejad's bitch, as the head of the snake which must be cut off.
Nasrallah is a show-horse while Mugniyah hides in plain sight and our "leaders" act as if he does not exist. I have shown them proof. Woe unto those who will not see and will not act.
We are a miracle unto ourselves for having survived so many attempts at genocide against us.
Now I look at Ehud Olmert trying to sound like a Lochemel
while at the same time sneakily bulldozing Hebrew homes and I know why HaShem has forsaken false leaders and why judgement comes. It comes with sound and fury, but this time, it is significant.
Peres walks as Death walks throughout the land and Olmert sounds like a madman, very much like Sharon did near his end. Beware this harbinger of Death and those from whom he has received his power. He is the destroyer.
The Children of the House of Israel are forbidden by Israeli police to go to the Temple Mount, but our enemies are free to come and go as they please. WHY would we go there when the defilement of the Law is no place more visible than this place that never should have existed? Though the Temple Mount goes against the Word of G-d, the CITY of Jerusalem has given sanctuary to the evils that Solomon brought forth into her breast. THIS is abomination in Jerusalem. There is no doubt that these End Days will see the destruction, once again, of the City of David for the unwillingness of our leaders to keep it as the Center of Jewish Culture as it was meant to be.
At the age of 12, I forsaw this in my lifetime and wrote it. The writing then said that the Men of Israel should gather their women and children and take them to a high place because the Land was being prepared for destruction.
I could type it all, but it is essentially what I have been trying to tell you in every way I could for so many years. Hebron is the place our forefathers consecrated unto the L-rd with the placing of stones to sanctify the final Covenant. They sleep there near Mt. Moreh, and yet we fight over Solomon's vanity.
Men might argue that history makes the temple in the City of Jerusalem holy, but I would ask you why, then, has G-d NEVER allowed it to stand and promises to crumble it yet again for the defilement of The Holy Name?
Get up and get out of that place. It is the hook in your jaws.
Few of us will remain because evil has grown like a pustule in our midst and our thoughts must be to the survival of our children above all else.
Our children MUST survive.
And thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say: Thus saith the L-rd GOD: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;
(This grouping is the Japhetic peoples and are many in number from many countries all over the earth. No accident this prophecy appeared when it did, but proof of the prophecy is that in those days, the peoples named therein did not exist.)
and I will turn thee about and lead thee on, and will cause thee to come up from the uttermost parts of the north; and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel;
and I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand.
Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the peoples that are with thee; I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured.
Thou shalt fall upon the open field; for I have spoken it, saith the L-rd GOD.
And I will send a fire on Magog, and on them that dwell safely in the isles; and they shall know that I am HaShem.
And My holy name will I make known in the midst of My people Israel; neither will I suffer My holy name to be profaned any more; and the nations shall know that I am HaShem, the Holy One in Israel.
Behold, it cometh, and it shall be done, saith the L-rd GOD; This is the day whereof I have spoken.
Am Yisrael Chai.
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